Biodiversity, flowers

Agriculture 2050 The regenerative agriculture podcast 

 Agriculture 2050 The regenerative agriculture podcast  

What is 'Agriculture 2050'? 

To meet the targets of the Paris Agreement – namely to keep global warming to no more than 1.5°C – global emissions need to be reduced by 45% by 2030 and the world needs to reach net zero by 2050. Alongside the energy sector, agriculture is recognised as one of the largest contributors of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). For example, a quarter of the world's GHG emissions are said to result from agricultural and food production.  
Agriculture 2050 has been created to not only increase awareness of these global issues, but to also highlight the priceless and integral research currently being undertaken worldwide to mitigate these issues through the development of new agricultural products and technologies. The initial episodes will focus on: 
The drive to achieving net-zero agriculture 
Challenges with defining regenerative agriculture 
The unsustainability of our global food systems 

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