Trade Resources - Downloads 
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2025 catalogue 
Instant Insights catalogue 
Burleigh Dodds Publication Schedule
Publication schedule January 2025 - Excel 


Improving standards and certification in agri-food supply chains
Managing biodiversity 
Managing biodiversity in agricultural landscapes: Conservation, restoration and rewilding
Poultry nutrition 
Advances in poultry nutrition
Soil erosion 
Understanding and preventing soil erosion - Cover image
Food systems 
Transforming food systems - The quest for sustainability
Pig nutrition 
Advances in pig nutrition - Postcard
Water management 
Improving water management in agriculture - Postcard
Supply chains 
Frontiers in agri-food supply chains
Smart farms 
Smart farms: Improving data-driven decision making in agriculture
Agri-food robotics 
Advances in agri-food robotics - Postcard
Bananas V3 
Achieving sustainable cultivation of bananas - Volume 3: Diseases and pests
Nitrogen use efficiency 
Improving nitrogen use efficiency in crop production
Natural capital 
Protecting natural capital and biodiversity in the agri-food sector
Quality of apples 
Improving the quality of apples - Postcard
Circular agriculture 
Developing circular agricultural production systems
Drought-resistant cereals 
Developing drought-resistant cereals


Consumers and food: Understanding and shaping consumer behaviour
Cultured meat 
Advances in cultured meat technology - A5 Postcard
Fungicide resistance 
Understanding and minimising fungicide resistance
Plant factories 
Advances in plant factories - postcard
Fresh produce 
Advances in ensuring the microbiological safety of fresh produce - Postcard
Modelling climate 
Modelling climate change impacts on agricultural systems
Agricultural ethics 
Key issues in agricultural ethics - A5 Postcard
Hatchery practice 
Embryo development and hatchery practice in poultry production - A5 Postcard
Insect pest monitoring 
Advances in monitoring of native and invasive insect pests of crops
Sustainable production and postharvest handling of avocado
Dairy nutrition 
Advances in sustainable dairy cattle nutrition
Wheat pests 
Advances in understanding insect pests affecting wheat and other cereals
Crop sensors 
Advances in sensor technology for sustainable crop production
Turfgrass management 
Achieving sustainable turfgrass management
Understanding and improving crop photosynthesis


Promoting pollination and pollinators in farming
Poultry meat 
Improving poultry meat quality
Soil carbon 
Understanding and fostering soil carbon sequestration - A5 Postcard
Pig herd health 
Optimising pig herd health and production
Soil health 
Improving soil health
Understanding and optimising the nutraceutical properties of fruit and vegetables
Seed science 
Advances in seed science and technology for more sustainable crop production
Advances in PLF 
Advances in precision livestock farming
Climate-smart coffee 
Climate-smart coffee: Improving social and environmental sustainability
Poultry flock health 
Optimising poultry flock health
Plant phenotyping 
Advances in plant phenotyping for more sustainable crop production
Energy-smart farming 
Energy-smart farming: Efficiency, renewable energy and sustainability
Advances in IWM 
Advances in integrated weed management
IPM horticulture 
Improving integrated pest management in horticulture
Milk nutraceuticals 
Understanding and improving the functional and nutritional properties of milk
CA V3 
Advances in Conservation Agriculture - Volume 3: Adoption and Spread
Pig gut health 
Understanding gut microbiomes as targets for improving pig gut health
Database Flyer 
Database Flyer
BSAS Flyer  
BSAS Member Special Offer Flyer
AWBSA Flyer  
Delegate offer - AWBSA Delegates
Fruit Focus 2023 
Fruit Focus 2023
WCSS 2022 
World Congress of Soil Science 2022
Livestock Database Flyer 
BDS Database - Flyer
Livestock Catalogue 
Livestock Catalogue
Poultry Science Catalogue 
Poultry Science Catalogue